Chrome Error Could Not Create Download Directory


I was trying to add a Google Chrome extension for my Twitter and got this error

Chrome Could Not Download Directory Error

Chrome error Could not create download directory. I thought its the same error I encountered using Chrome extension the last time – Google Chrome Download Not A CRX Error . It could be an error due to incompatible extension with my Chrome version. This happens all the time when Chrome updates to a new version and an extension did not.

I searched Google and landed on this helpful link –!topic/chrome/_p4jqPSD2mI

Here are the steps I made to fix this.

Go to your Chrome Settings

Chrome  Settings

Chrome  Settings2

Go to Advanced Settings at the bottom

Chrome  Advanced Settings

Downloads -> Download Location. My download location had a default location that is not existing anymore (its an external hard drive I used before).

Chrome Download Location Settings

Change it to a valid location in your local hard drive and you are all set.