SOAP Requests Using Postman Error – Solved!

Postman logo+text 320x132

You have an existing working SOAP project in SOAPUI that you want to run in Postman but you cannot make it work due to a 500 Http error or some other error? Follow the steps below to make it work 🙂


From SOAPUI copy your SOAP message and then paste it to Postman. I’m using a sample ASMX service for global weather below.


From this blog post from Postman, their advised is to add the wsdl and operation tags in the message. But this does not work for me.

And then..

From Postman make sure the Content-type is text/xml.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="http://www.webserviceX.NET">

Here’s the trick

Some SOAP web services will work with just the message in an envelope format. But if not, try adding a SOAPAction in the header of your request just like in the sample below.


Here is the full request headers and body.


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -H "SOAPAction: http://www.webserviceX.NET/GetCitiesByCountry" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 3e9ad6f4-e669-18ef-6da1-c603371ca1c6" -d '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="http://www.webserviceX.NET">
</soapenv:Envelope>' ""

This will do the trick in making SOAP requests using Postman. Enjoy!

How To Setup FastMail Using Your Own Domain with DNSimple

Fastmail logo

I’ve been looking around for email hosting services and found some leads from the HackerNews AskHN site. One of the suggestion is FastMail because of the relatively low pricing, good support and can be setup using your own domain. I’m posting this to share my experience on how to setup Fastmail using your own domain with DNSimple.


FastMail setup is a breeze. Upon sign up you can readily use a fastmail domain hosted email (; also there is 30-Day free trial). At this point you can you can basically check if fastmail meets your needs for email hosting e.g. storage size, device / calendar sync, setup your own domain. For me, I’m more interested on how easy it is to setup FastMail using your own domain with DNSimple.


Since 2014, I’ve used DNSimple for my DNS needs also posted here the steps when I changed my DNS provider to DNSimple. They have a one click service that will add dns records to help you setup dns records with known services like FastMail.


Setting Up

First step is from FastMail get the following mail exchange (MX) record values.


Configure these record values in DNSimple by adding the MX records.


Note: Do the steps above before adding the FastMail One Click Service from DNSImple. I missed these steps the first time so I ended up not completing the setup.

From FastMail, go to Settings -> Domain. Here you can check if proper MX records are set. If yes, you can see a similar message below.


From DNSimple, add the FastMail One Click Service to add DNS records needed by FastMail. You need to input the DKIM value from FastMail to complete the setup from DNSimple.


Fastmail will confirm the setup just like the message below.


Now you are all set with your own domain email hosting. That’s how easy it is to setup FastMail using your own domain with DNSimple.
Keep in touch!

Brew Refusing To Link OpenSSL – .Net Core on Mac

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